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About us

Studier kan være krevende, og noen ganger trenger man mer enn bare en lesesal for å holde fokus.

Our premises is Dronningens gate 15, 4th and 5th floor. We are open for everyone above 16 years of age. Fontenehuset Trondheim opened in 2019, as the 14th clubhouse to open in Norway.

All work at Fontenehuset is meant to helping members regain self-validation, meaning and self-confidence. During the work-oriented day, members and staff create an environment and culture where the focus is on each person’s skills and abilities. A safe environment for trying and failing is created by meaningful tasks that are formed, carried out and solved in unity.


Our workday

In the kitchen and maintenance unit, it is possible to join tasks such as planning the weekly menu, shopping for groceries, cooking, cleaning, bookkeeping and economy. We also work with maintenance and cleaning of our workspaces, EHS-work, and other practical chores related to maintenance of the clubhouse.

Om Fontenehuset Trondheim

Fontenehuset Trondheim tilbyr frivillig arbeidstrening og fellesskap for folk som har eller har hatt psykiske helseutfordringer. Vi har to enheter på huset: kjøkkenenheten og kontorenheten.

Som student er du velkommen til å delta på de ulike tilbudene. Det koster ingenting å bli medlem, og man trenger ikke henvisning.


If you would like to share information about us to others, you can download our information booklet here.

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